The generosity of Dorcas - Matteo Sedda

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The generosity of Dorcas

Regardless of how diverse solo performances are, Jan Fabre essentially always wants to pay tribute to the performer. With this new solo, Fabre wants to honour the generosity of one of his warriors of beauty: Matteo Sedda.

The playful performer has a high kinetic intelligence. In The generosity of Dorcas he uses body and space as a needle and thread. With untameable energy, he works on a grand imaginary sewing pattern to which the letters on stage refer. Sedda transforms from male to female, and everything in between, while he charmingly and generously welcomes the audience in his imaginary world. The name Dorcas refers to a biblical figure that took care of the poor by handing out clothes. For Fabre and Sedda this generosity is the starting point in their research of the vibrating body, the body in ecstasy.

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